Yesterday I spent much time at the Bottom of the Pond. It's okay; I've been there before and I always vaguely remember how to surface again. But the thing I realized by the end of my day - which felt more like fifteen days all lobbed together - is that I had forgotten to lead with my heart.
And so, in the midst of the engulfing field of grey, I reminded my brain that it is a fantastic recording device, an excellent gofer and an honorable organizer, but in the end, a lousy leader. It's simply not equipped for that. Love must lead or else everything I do takes form as a giant hamster wheel upon which I feel compelled to run. And an inevitable sense of pointlessness sets in. "Life's short" only matters if you're enjoying it. If you're not, it's just reassurance. I want it to matter and so I return to the heart as the starting point, once again.
4/4/2011 10:36:47 am
I love your blog, Jen. Inspirational and insightful, evem from the bottom of the pond to the birds in the sky.
4/20/2011 07:30:21 am
I like this post & shared it on my facebook wall so that I can read it again :)
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