When I was six, I started learning to ride a bicycle. I loved the red bike with training wheels but also feared its control was beyond me. I appreciated the training wheels and being able to rely on them while I checked out, somewhat clueless as to my role in maintaining my own balance.
Though feeling out of balance is uncomfortable, after a while, training wheels are left behind, regardless. There's no logical reason really; it would be simpler to ride around on something that doesn't require learning how to balance. But the drive for balance sustained from within, without dependence on externals, is great. Despite all the conveniences we create, we still challenge ourselves to find greater power and capability inside of us. Balance requires tuning in. And because we are hard wired to lead our own lives, follow our own way (despite the social drive for conformity), we know we must pay attention to where center is within us. And it is this listening to, getting in step with , and awareness, that in the end, allows us truest expression and genuine freedom.
From the Inside