I was feeling bad and considered how I would like to feel instead. Turns out I wanted the feeling of looking forward. To what? It's not so much about The What, it's more just a rumbling of anticipatory enthusiasm.
I considered the literal meaning of, "look forward" (as opposed to look backward) and how it is equated with a positive state of mind. There is nowhere else to go but forward in our lives, after all, so it's probably a good idea to look in that direction. Mostly we tend to look forward to something - like a treat, a party, a vacation. This may be to try and summon enthusiasm for getting up (or getting through) each day. But I want to have the feeling without the condition. We speak of regression, backsliding, and things getting worse but in actuality, we are always going forward. Even what seem like setbacks remain part of a greater movement forward. When we "look forward", we are purposefully joining our inevitable movement in that direction, our natural destiny. We're actively feeling good about where we're going. We are in agreement with the natural flow. And that alone, is enough; the mental stance is the win, better than any vacation. Joining the natural direction of life (it's never backwards) feels a lot better than holding back, trying to control, or resisting anything. So, the next time I am down the first thing I'll do is check to see which way I'm facing. And then I'll allow myself to join the Me moving ahead, creating her (always) new life - moment to moment. Which way are you facing? Love, Jen
From the Inside